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Velum Lux


Velum Lux 4.0

September 30th, 2017

Watchers of the Veil, I am proud to present the restructuring of Velum Lux!


I'm sure many of you have noticed changes in our Discord, the PlayStation 4 community, and other things here and there. Some of you maybe even found this website early! Whatever you may have discovered, thank you for not spoiling things for the rest of the group. (I like my unveilings!)


Enough blabbering. Here's what's new:

  • New Website
    This is the most obvious one! This is mobile friendly, fast, and (if I do say so myself) pretty sleek. Take a look around and see what we have for you. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, please contact me here.

  • New Art
    Thanks to our talented Conservator Instaramen, we have new flags for our clan to fly! You'll notice the awesome new banners, logos, and icons in various places around Velum Lux's resources. As an example, check out our Facebook Group's new banner!

  • More Games
    Velum Lux is no longer restricted to two games; we now support a growing number of games! See the current list here.

  • New "Titles"
    Titles have been added to our clan. Titles can be earned via in-game accomplishments or clan-related activities. See the titles and how to earn them here.

  • Clearer Resources
    As a member of Velum Lux, you have access to some cool things! Peruse the tools at your disposal here.

  • Open Registration
    Members can freely join as Sentries. From there, they are then hand-picked for promotion to Sentinel. See the members here.

  • New Overseer
    My long-time advisor, Chad, is stepping up to replace our beloved John as our sole Overseer. Don't worry, John will still be around and will remain a central figure in our communities! Chad has been quietly around since Day 1, but is taking on more responsibility in the clan. Please say hi when you can!


Thank you all for traveling this far with me. I hope to give you the best clan experience possible.


-Veilarch Aldure

Velum Lux

  • Discord
  • facebook
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